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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 7:36 PM
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For the Springfield Haitian immigrant lies. Yep. Actually done.

Of course, this had to be done by a citizen group using some rarely used laws. And there's a pretty low likelihood of success. But it's making a point.

The spreading of these lies has concrete consequences to the citizens of Springfield - and not just the Haitian community.

Haitian group in Springfield, Ohio, files citizen criminal charges against Trump and Vance

The leader of a nonprofit representing the Haitian community invoked a private-citizen right to file charges Tuesday against former President Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, over the chaos and threats experienced by Springfield, Ohio, since Trump first spread false claims about legal immigrants there during a presidential debate.

Trump and Vance, a U.S. senator from Ohio, are charged with disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity. The filing asks the Clark County Municipal Court to affirm that there is probable cause and issue arrest warrants against Trump and Vance.

“Their persistence and relentlessness, even in the face of the governor and the mayor saying this is false, that shows intent,” Chandra said. “It’s knowing, willful flouting of criminal law.”


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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 8:24 PM
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charges not filed by stalwart defender of his citizens, the divine Mr. M, Gov Mike Dewine?

charges not filed by any law&order gop?

mainstream media must have flubbed it again.
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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 8:26 PM
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Good for them. I think these might be the applicate statutes in state law being leveraged:

Section 2935.04 --

When a felony has been committed, or there is reasonable ground to believe that a felony has been committed, any person without a warrant may arrest another whom he has reasonable cause to believe is guilty of the offense, and detain him until a warrant can be obtained.

Section 2935.06 --

A private person who has made an arrest pursuant to section 2935.04 of the Revised Code or detention pursuant to section 2935.041 of the Revised Code shall forthwith take the person arrested before the most convenient judge or clerk of a court of record or before a magistrate, or deliver such person to an officer authorized to execute criminal warrants who shall, without unnecessary delay, take such person before the court or magistrate having jurisdiction of the offense. The officer may, but if he does not, the private person shall file or cause to be filed in such court or before such magistrate an affidavit stating the offense for which the person was arrested.

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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 8:28 PM
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Makes sense. Even when confronted with facts, they continue the lies. So they can't say "oh, I guess I was wrong". They should have said that when Springfield authorities (among others) said it was false. But they continued, without regard for any harm it may have caused. I know banning speech requires a high bar. But disregarding potential physical harm to others probably gets pretty close to it. As the article said, it shows intent. (Is that enough to show mens rea?)

Springfield has had to close its schools temporarily because of bomb threats, plus the multiple individuals receiving death threats.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 8:52 PM
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But they continued, without regard for any harm it may have caused. I know banning speech requires a high bar. But disregarding potential physical harm to others probably gets pretty close to it. As the article said, it shows intent. (Is that enough to show mens rea?)

Good question. I think the high bar of political speech may knock it out. If someone is killed and it is directly tied to the speech, that may work, but otherwise it's stochastic, and I don't know how that works. My memory is fuzzy here. I'm not even sure of everything Truimp and Vance have said here.
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 8:53 PM
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The leader of a nonprofit representing the Haitian community invoked a private-citizen right to file charges Tuesday against former President Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, over the chaos and threats experienced by Springfield, Ohio, since Trump first spread false claims about legal immigrants there during a presidential debate.


Lawfare, metastasizing into more jurisdictions is not something to be celebrated.

Next up, a family suffering from the horrible death of a loved one at the hands of a multiply released immigrant felon filing a wrongful death lawsuit against Kamala for her border neglect. Sounds good.
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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 9:12 PM
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I think these might be the applicate statutes in state law being leveraged:

In another discussion of this situation, it sounds like they are not contemplating a citizen's arrest, but they are bringing the charges to a judge and seeking an arrest warrant. Apparently, there is some obscure Ohio law that allows citizens to seek an arrest warrant in much the same was as a District Attorney might.

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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 9:39 PM
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SNIP The charges are as follows, as laid out by the Chandra Law Firm who is representing the group:

*Disrupting public service in violation of R.C. 2909.04(A) and (B) by causing widespread bomb and other threats that resulted in massive
disruptions to the public services in Springfield, Ohio;

*Making false alarms in violation of R.C. 2917.32(A) by knowingly causing alarm in the Springfield community by continuing to repeat lies that
state and local officials have said were false;

*Committing telecommunications harassment in violation of R.C. 2917.21(A) and S.C.O. § 537.08 by spreading claims they know to be false during
the presidential debate, campaign rallies, nationally televised interviews, and social media;

*Committing aggravated menacing in violation R.C. 2903.21(A) by knowingly making intimidating statements with the intent to abuse, threaten, or
harass the recipients, including Trump’s threat to deport immigrants who are here legally to Venezuela, a land they have never known;

*Committing aggravated menacing in violation of R.C. 2903.21(A) by knowingly causing others to falsely believe that members of Springfield’s
Haitian community would cause serious physical harm to the person or property of others in Springfield; and

*Violating the prohibition against complicity, R.C. 2923.03(A) and S.C.O. § 501.10, by conspiring with one another and spreading vicious lies that
caused innocent parties to be parties to their various crimes.

“We want the judge to issue arrest warrants for Trump and Vance immediately, there is probable cause,” lead counsel Subodh Chandra told the FOX 8 I-Team Tuesday.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/24/2024 10:08 PM
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Lambo: “We want the judge to issue arrest warrants for Trump and Vance immediately, there is probable cause,” lead counsel Subodh Chandra told the FOX 8 I-Team Tuesday.



Citing Fox news as a source! I knew you were a man who could spot quality reporting.
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/25/2024 3:40 AM
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They could issue arrest warrants. The convict nor Vance are in the White House, so I presume they could be incarcerated.

Of course, that may just rile-up his followers. No excuse not to do it (no one is above the law), but it might get...exciting.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Charges filed against Trump and Vance
Date: 09/25/2024 9:22 AM
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Citing Fox news as a source! I knew you were a man who could spot quality reporting.

I was reading the conservative board on Reddit. If there's something interesting I read the comments. But I thought people here might like their listing of the charges. I was looking for something to help me understand how this fellow could ask for a warrant on the arrest as it's an oddball. What's the process? I'm curious.
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