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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: bacon   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: Goodbye, 6% commissions on home sales
Date: 03/23/2024 9:37 AM
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I don't think things will change that much....

I tend to agree, at least for the consumer who sells or buys a house because he's relocating pursuant to a job change or retirement or the like. I never worried about the commission percentage so long as it wasn't out of line with "common practice," which seemed small to me compared to what I was laying out for the house purchase price. It also was a one-off payment; it was the monthly mortgage payment, and at one point the escrow payment added onto the mortgage payment, that concerned me.

Of course, the commission percentage will matter to folks who buy and sell real estate for a living. For them, that commission percentage cuts a significant fraction of their profit, and it adds up pretty quickly.

Eric Hines
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