No. of Recommendations: 1
Put buying day in history into a 22 or so vix. Obviously trump is surrounded by very high net worth , “ advisors” , and friends who can front run destabilizing, tweets, speeches, Q and As, etc. Biden has given team trump the free pass , aka, pardon option, to grift there way into 100 billion plus over the next four years, virtually risk free. Team Biden set a very dangerous precedent, this isn’t political, it’s fact. So, who is aggressively paying up for puts and did Trump tweets with respect to the Middle East trigger the buying? Stay tuned it’s going to be an interesting four years. Keep in mind over the years Musk has made it very clear what he thinks of SEC regs and disclosure while running tsla. Does crypto have serious regs? Team trump is on a free roll, let’s see how they play it but volatility figures to be impressive going forward. Good luck all. 🙏☮️