Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. of Recommendations: 1
Yea, loved the preferred stock and high yielding bonds with the Wrigley deal. Btw, I ate those sweet cereals & snacks as a kid in the 70s & 80s but funny, we never buy this “junk” for our kids nowadays, nor do they even ask for it. I suppose somebody is buying. I do wonder how well the Wrigley merger worked out for Mars? (Good memories of Wrigley- my grandpa gave us a pack with each visit to their house.)
No. of Recommendations: 7
Maybe the Mars family and Mr. Buffett have been planning the following sequence:
First, Mars buys Kellanova
Then Berkshire buys Mars. This is an easier path than Berkshire buying Mars and then moving to buy Kellanova.
There's increasing uncertainty as to tax rates going forward. The Mars family is getting larger (more members & generations). Now would be a good time for the family to exit.
Buffett has always admired Mars' brands, their respective business moats and more importantly, their respective positive cash flows. This would take, say, $150B to $200B to do, yes?
No. of Recommendations: 2
" Buffett has always admired Mars' brands, their respective business moats and more importantly, their respective positive cash flows. This would take, say, $150B to $200B to do, yes?"
good morning, interesting take. My thought was this takes Mars off the table. Would Buffett pay a premium for Mars after they paid up to acquire Kellanova in this huge deal? With the popularity of these weight loss drugs would we even want it?