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Author: Aussi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Foreign exposure
Date: 12/29/2024 2:10 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2
A 19 page article from Goldman Sachs about the UK market vs the US market


From the article.

More UK companies are talking about moving their listing to
the US (Ashtead is the latest to propose a move). The
valuation gap to the US has become larger (Exhibit 1). And
only a small proportion of this is due to sector distribution;
every sector in the UK is on a double-digit P/E discount to its
US counterpart sector (Exhibit 2). This discount is of course
a Europe-wide phenomenon, but the gap between the UK
and US is especially large.

US companies are far more profitable, but even relative to
ROE, the UK market trades at a low multiple vis-a-vis other
markets; the UK has roughly twice the ROE of Japan but a
similar Price-to-Book (Exhibit 3).


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