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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Climate Change +Inflation Great for Insurance
Date: 05/07/2024 1:25 PM
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It's definitely not something that can easily be brushed off as BS by crazy conspiracy theorists.

It appears that you're wrong about that.

Not being an expert I don't dare say this side is right, or that side.

That's a very sound instinct. Stick with it. I suggest that you ask that your repost be removed.

I respectfully but strongly disagree. I watched this documentary a couple of weeks ago and thought that many of its arguments were persuasive. But the scientific agnosticism advocated by said and Jim is, I think, the correct attitude, while the censorship or self-censorship suggested by jim is not.

Prominent among the film’s points are that (i) the Earth has warmed considerably less than 1.5 deg C; (ii) CO2 levels are still towards the low end of what the Earth has known in the last 10,000 years (the dawn of the agricultural revolution); and (iii) the debate has become so politicized, arguments going against the consensus, even when advanced by leading scientists including Nobel prize winners, are suppressed at all levels of academia.

We can perfectly well debate points (i) and (ii) here without replicating point (iii).

Regards, DTB
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