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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: rnam   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: OT Nomad Investment Letters
Date: 07/31/2023 1:23 PM
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I just heard of Nick Sleep and Qais Zakaria and their Nomad Investments for the first time today. Their investment letters are available on the charity IGY Foundation's website - https://igyfoundation.org.uk/nomad-partnership-let...

Nomad crushed the wider market in its thirteen years of operation ' achieving a 921.1% cumulative return since inception on September 10, 2001 ' which catapulted the duo up into rarefied air.

But not, necessarily, fame. The Nomad duo kept a very, very low profile.

The Nomad duo wrote about the kind of companies they would like to invest in and how they would like to get to a Terminal Portfolio

The 'super high-quality thinkers' are our best guess of those firms whose shareholders could abdicate their right to trade stock, sure in the knowledge that their capital will be well-allocated for years to come within the businesses. This list is a group of wonderful, honestly-run compounding machines. We call this the 'terminal portfolio'. This is where we want to go.

Your terminal portfolio is a wishlist with a purpose. It's aspirational, sure, but also an opportunity to research and study your dream companies.

Set valuations aside for a moment (heaven forfend!) and ask yourself:

What does my ideal stock portfolio look like?
Which companies would I like to own forever?
Which business models are built to last?
Which companies behave well because they want to, not because they have to?
Which companies have built a 'seamless web of deserved trust' between management and shareholders?
What stocks would I own even if the market was closed for years at a time?

Bam ' there's your terminal portfolio.

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