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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The Harris interview with Bret,
Date: 10/18/2024 6:49 PM
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albaby1: I imagine they don't believe he's a danger to our democracy.

Quoting Fred Derry: "Well, that's a hopeful way of putting it."

A simpler answer is that they're delusional.

A canvasser in Nevada this week asked Trump voters why they can’t vote for Kamala Harris and they said: “She’s not black.” When shown a photograph of her father, they said: “That’s not her father. I’ve seen the birth certificate.”

Others said that the January 6 attack on the Capitol “was actually the Democrats.”

Others repeated Trump's frequent claim: “She will create a Great Depression.” When shown the Goldman Sachs analysis that the U.S. economy would be better under Harris than Trump -- or reminded that the stock markets keep reaching new all-time highs -- they dismiss the data and stellar market performance as lies.

A shocking number of American voters simply have lost touch with reality.

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