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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Ken Fisher prediction for 2025
Date: 03/01/2025 1:26 PM
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Ken Fisher prediction for 2025. "The Stock Market Surprise We See Ahead"

"this should be a shockingly surprising year, but not one that's very recognizable to most Americans, because it will be and is led by Europe and value stocks.

And as that happens, the US lags the non-US world, and particularly Europe, which is so heavily value laden. So that's been my core forecast.

The other point is that when we look at the history of the last century, inaugural years when Republicans are elected have been up 60% of the time. And when they're up, they've been up an average of 25%, a little over 25%. That would be huge, bigger than I'm expecting for the US market this year.

But US and non-US correlate, and I think that fits into a year that's big in the US, but bigger overseas. Not huge in the US. Maybe not 25%, maybe 15, 16, 17, 18. I don't really know for the S&P 500, but stronger overseas, which is the part that you don't really get to feel as an American."

VEA is Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets Index Fund ETF
VTV is Vanguard Value ETF

After this last week's losses, I was greatly surprised to see that our portfolio made a 0.0% gain this month. Whereas S&P500 had -1.42% loss.

YTD, we are +4.2%, S&P500 +1.24%
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