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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12433 
Subject: Re: considering coat tailing OXY
Date: 10/08/2024 2:15 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 3
I'd rather we put half of the $22.1bn after-tax proceeds into buying 29% of Hershey.
.... Check back in 7-10 years

Hershey is chocolate, right? Chocolate which is liked by Americans - - - and ONLY by them! How much longer? In 10 years? Maybe. Maybe not.

Coke is everywhere. Europe, Australia, Ko Samui, Bali, Seychelles - - - you name it, Coke was and will be there in 10 years.

Longterm predictability means a lot for Warren.
Under this aspect swapping Coke for Hershey would be a mistake - - - independent of the outcome - even IF Hershey 10 years from now in hindsight might have been the better investment.

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