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Investment Strategies / Falling Knives
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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: VW
Date: 12/03/2024 5:32 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2
f you are bullish in VW, wont it better to buy POAHY instead?

I bought and sold poahy.

VW is trying to get software from Rivian. Maybe RIVN is a better investment

I am familiar with Porsche as a subsidiary of VW (VW owns 75%), but not as a separate investment. I see that Porsche SE owns a 31.9% stake in Volkswagen AG and a 12.5% stake in Porsche AG, so this might indeed be an interesting way of buying VW, if I could get my head around the idea, so thanks for pointing it out.

My first stab at understanding this:

Porsche SE has a market cap of €10.325b. It is listed as having revenues of €5.4b, and earnings of €2.5b (insane margins). By comparison, VW had revenues of €322b last year, so clearly, Porsche is not consolidating VW revenues in its income statement.

Like VW, Porsche SE is trading at about 3x net earnings, so both companies are in the doghouse. With Porsche SE's 31.9% stake in VW, things could go well for the investment if either VW or Porsche turned things around.

Anyways, this may be all wrong. If you have any insight to share, I would be happy to hear it.
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