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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12529 
Subject: Re: OT: Dunning-Kruger effect
Date: 03/16/2025 9:06 AM
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I remember reading a recap of the original experiment and I was taken by this, IIRC. After the test and asking the opinion of those who scored low but had a high opinion of how they scored, they told then their scores, and it wasn't dealt with well, but in a very shot period of time, they were back to having a high opinion of their knowledge in the area. So they then give them classes and only after taking the classes did they realize how poor their knowledge was in areas of the subject. This sequence astonished me. I remember taking classes where they tested the class the first day to see where to place an emphasis on the teaching, and now I wondered how I did. I consider myself a terrible investor and follow other people's advice and am now in lots of cash at 73 due to that. :) I get stressed if I make changes as I see myself as not knowing what I am doing.

But on reading the recap I remember thinking - How do you test people on humor? Just how do you test that? I'd like to take that test and see how I do. You gave a class on humor? How do you teach a class on humor? I want to take that class and improve my understanding of humor. I'm curious as to how they chose humor as something to be tested. I might agree with them. :)

I actually miss the humor board from the old Motley Fool. I made friends with Average Joe before he got booted off the board and went down to see him with my wife. He's now in a care home and I'd like to see him before he passes.
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