Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 16
<> “You start out saying you have to vote for Trump because of Hillary Clinton and wake up one day attacking General Kelly [ and Generals Mattis and Esper, as well as V.P. Pence, SOS Bolton et. al.] to defend a criminal wandering around the country talking about Arnold Palmer’s penis,” Stuart Stevens wrote Wednesday
But here we are. In 2024, everything is “baked in the cake.” The sedition. the lies. The bigotry and brutality. The indictments. The convictions. The admiration for Adolph Hitler.
On Wednesday, Kamala Harris reacted to the latest news: “It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is.”
Republicans barely blinked. Few even bothered to pretend to care.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Added note:
All of my pevious post should have been included as italics, and would have been if I had not neglected to put an “i” within the leading < >.
Further adding to my chagrin, the article quoted was from an article I found in Substack, but in the course of posting this quote, I lost the original attribution, but will post that if I am able to find it again.
Posted the OP anyway without attribution.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Further adding to my chagrin, the article quoted was from an article I found in Substack, but in the course of posting this quote, I lost the original attribution, but will post that if I am able to find it again.Here it is:
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Thanks, g0 !
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Republicans barely blinked. Few even bothered to pretend to care.
It seems to reflect what they want. They are at least fascist-yearning.
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...it's not that they don't care. It's because they think the Democrats are WORSE, denigrating them constantly (like at the top of the post).
No. of Recommendations: 4
It's because they think the Democrats are WORSE, denigrating them constantly (like at the top of the post).
Live in the bubble much?
Holy shit, you don't see the way the right treats those they don't like? Really? Hell, a lot of them are sending out death threats to anyone they think represents a threat to Trump's bullshit.
No. of Recommendations: 14
you don't see the way the right treats those they don't like? Really? Hell, a lot of them are sending out death threats to anyone they think represents a threat to Trump's bullshit.100%. For example:
Retired United States Army General and real hero, Mark A. Milley said, "Trump is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth,
but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country. A fascist to the core."
Of course General Milley has since received "a non-stop barrage of death threats." (He has installed bullet-proof glass in his residence.)
It's a shame what the dong-obsessed fry chef has done to America.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Retired United States Army General and real hero, Mark A. Milley said, "Trump is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth - Banksy
You mean the "hero" who established an unauthorized back channel to the Chicoms.
No. of Recommendations: 15
You mean the "hero" who established an unauthorized back channel to the Chicoms.Stop lying.
Milley testified under oath before Congress that the calls on Oct. 30 and Jan. 8 were
fully coordinated with the defense secretaries at the time as well as other U.S. national security agencies.
Milley said the October call was made at the direction of then-Defense chief Mark Esper and the second was done at the request of the Chinese and coordinated with then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller’s office.Maybe you should be more worried about Elon and Trump chatting with Putin to block Starlink in Taiwan. Or former Trump officials saying Trump is a fascist.
Cultists, your priorities are fcuked.
No. of Recommendations: 18
You mean the "hero" who established an unauthorized back channel to the Chicoms.
You're doing backflips to rationalize your Trumpism. Forget about Milley. What about Trump's own Chief of Staff, VP, Sect. of Defense, Sect. of State, and literally hundreds of other officials who dealt with him daily? Or his plotting to overthrow a lawful election and stay in power, putting his VP in immediate danger while watching it all on TV? Show some integrity, man.
If you can't vote for Harris, fine. Leave the line blank, or write in someone else. But for the love of God, don't vote for this anti-American fascist.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Maybe you should be more worried about Elon and Trump chatting with Putin to block Starlink in Taiwan. Or former Trump officials saying Trump is a fascist.
Or an ex-president hosting Victor Orban at Mar-a-Lago, carrying on unauthorized conversations with Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin.
No. of Recommendations: 7
You mean the "hero" …
Interesting choice. Rather than attempt to rebut the claim that Trump is a fascist, you choose to sully the messenger. (And fail badly at that, as others have pointed out.)
Perhaps you don’t have a good argument that Trump is not a fascist?
No. of Recommendations: 3
Interesting choice. Rather than attempt to rebut the claim that Trump is a fascist, you choose to sully the messenger. (And fail badly at that, as others have pointed out.)
A feeble attempt at argumentum ad hominem. All our MAGA friends have to offer: Misinformation, disinformation and logical fallacies. Please do better.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Or an ex-president hosting Victor Orban at Mar-a-Lago, carrying on unauthorized conversations with Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin. - BillZ
Who exactly has to authorize an ex president to talk to foreign leaders?
No. of Recommendations: 9
"You mean the "hero" who established an unauthorized back channel to the Chicoms."
Please stop being an idiot. Seriously, America cannot afford it. Why do you constantly use information sources that take advantage of your ignorance and fill your head with nonsense thereby making you look like a fool? Use better sources of information and you won't look like an idiot all of the time.
Watching a Trumper contort themselves into justifying Trump's brokenness and incompetence would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
At least have the guts to come out of the closet and openly embrace Trump for the real reasons you support him. Trying to make it look like your support of Trump is no different than anyone else's support for a politician only makes you look silly. It makes you look like a clown as you twist yourself into knots trying to justify behaviors that can't be justified by any normal, decent human being. Instead, just man up and be honest with yourself.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Who exactly has to authorize an ex president to talk to foreign leaders?
The problem arises when ex-presidents who are also presidential candidates begin working at cross purposes with official negotiations being carried out by the actual president and State Department.
Particularly in this instance as regards official US policy and negotiations regarding Ukraine and the war in Gaza and Lebanon.
He has no business talking to Netanyahu and Putin. In fact, such discussions, if they are in fact “negotiations in the event he is elected”..are illegal
Victor Orban might be a different case. Though I’m not aware of any direct negotiations that Trump could sabotage by talking with Victor Orban, the very fact that Trump and Orban have met several times over the last several years is an indication that Trump is wanting to follow Orban’s fascist playbook, as he has already said he will
No. of Recommendations: 6
Instead, just man up and be honest with yourself.
The same could be said of most Trump supporters. They try to justify Trump, claiming both side do bad things, or that there is some problem with the Democratic candidate, or they just "like Trump". If they're being honest, they'd admit that they like the misogyny and racism and crass behavior and criminality that he mostly gets away with, because they are also misogynists and racists and crass and wish they could get away with criminal behavior.
I'm tired of taking the high road in discussions with these MAGA idiots. It's time to call them what they are.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Who exactly has to authorize an ex president to talk to foreign leaders?
Only the sitting US President may set US foreign policy, which is generally through the State Department and with some oversight from Congress. Not an ex-President. Not a candidate for President.
Everyone is more than welcome to express their opinion on foreign affairs. Any candidate for President should be ready, willing, and able to discuss what they would do if elected. But no one outside of the current administration may actually conduct foreign affairs.
So the real question boils down to what Trump talked about with these foreign leaders. If he were negotiating with these foreign leaders about the US policies he would implement and asking for what they would offer in return, that's an illegal conduct of foreign affairs. On the other hand, if he were hosting something like a birthday party that had lots of attendees and no private meetings with the leader, that would be fine. The problem is that these were private meetings AND we don't know what he talked about. I'm not aware of any transcripts or summaries of the discussions at these meetings. And based on his history, it is not at all unreasonable to ask if he were conducting foreign affairs. Trump has no filters that would prevent him from breaking the law as long as he felt it would be in his best interest to do so. His own account of the meetings is simply unreliable, as he lies almost as often as he breathes.
Did he engage in an illegal conduct of foreign affairs? We just don't know clearly one way or the other. It's not clear that he did, and it's not clear that he didn't. Hence the suspicion and questions about the meetings.
No. of Recommendations: 2
All our MAGA friends have to offer: Misinformation, disinformation and logical fallacies. Please do better.
To do better would mean facing up to reality. Not something a cultist can do.
No. of Recommendations: 15
"The same could be said of most Trump supporters. They try to justify Trump, claiming both side do bad things, or that there is some problem with the Democratic candidate, or they just "like Trump". If they're being honest, they'd admit that they like the misogyny and racism and crass behavior and criminality that he mostly gets away with, because they are also misogynists and racists and crass and wish they could get away with criminal behavior.
I'm tired of taking the high road in discussions with these MAGA idiots. It's time to call them what they are.
Yep. There is no reason to pretend that Trump supporters are normal people. After everything that has come out over the past 8 years, anyone still supporting Trump has something seriously broken inside of them. Some are just mindless idiots like Dope who will swallow whatever is fed to them. Others are bigots like BHM who like Trump simply because Trump is willing to hate the same minorities BHM has been taught to hate. Others are like LM who are just plain ignorant. Finally there are those broken few like Jedi who tolerate Trump simple because they know he will punish the liberals.
Whatever the reason, they are more than willing to twist themselves into knots defending the indefensible. They will be defend stuff that would make any normal, rational human being hold their noses. But defend it they do.
Those people have shown their true colors. No need to pretend otherwise.
Again, this is not about partisanship. Vote for Romney, or Cheney, or McCain, or even Haley. Ok. I disagree, but I get it.
Voting for Trump means you are one of the following:
1. Ignorant (most of his followers).
2. Manipulative. You know who he is but are willing to support him for what is in it for you (think Musk, Graham, and McConnell).
3. A despicable human being. You want him to punish the Jews, the Blacks, the Liberals, the immigrants and the what nots.
Trump supporters have shown who they are. Believe them. No need to pretend otherwise.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Dude. Wrong target.