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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Judge Approves Smith's 180 Page Filing
Date: 09/25/2024 10:00 AM
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It is in Smith's interest to ensure this new document (some sources say 180 pages, others say 200+) is as easy to digest as possible to ensure this information reaches the public ASAP.


I mean, I understand what you're getting at. But Smith's actual interest in the case is the proper discharge of the prosecutorial function. He's not supposed to be concerned about whether "information reaches the public ASAP." It's not within the scope of his job for his filings to have an effect on the Presidential election. The prosecutor's role has many functions, but at this point his job is to pursue criminal convictions of those who have committed crimes as laid out in the indictments.

It's sentiments like this that give fuel to criticisms that the prosecutions have been politicized. There's no legitimate judicial or prosecutorial interest in affecting the outcome of the election or securing a conviction before some unrelated event can occur in the defendant's life - any more than the judicial system has to accommodate those unrelated events in the defendant's life by postponing the trial until after something happens. I don't think it's a good idea to lose sight of that.
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