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If their most ardent core of voters lose trust in them because of this, then that can't be helped. The base can always cause their party to lose by insisting on punishing them if they don't do unpopular things.
Honestly, I don't have confidence in either party. And I don't regard myself as the base for either. At this point in history, and since at least 2000, my opinions have aligned more with Dems than Reps. It frustrates me to no end that the Dems seem incapable of making their case to the people. A great example is the ACA. It was the folks at TMF (including you) that convinced me it was a good idea. I was against "government healthcare" prior to the election of Obama. It was ordinary non-politicians like yourself that made me realize my position was wrong, and I ended up voting for Obama**. The ACA came later, and there were things I didn't like. But, again, it wasn't Dem messaging that convinced me. It was smart people on the TMF AF board.
So what chance do they have with Joe Sixpack who isn't on boards such as that, and likely is consuming some right-wing propaganda full of lies and distortions? If they can't even make their case against this bill, and capitulate without a fight, then what good are they? I thought the whole point of the 60 vote thing was that the minority party has some say in a bill. But they weren't even consulted, and rolled like the Felon is rolling for Putin. That does not instill confidence, and, if there was a third party, I'd probably register for it.
**That wasn't the only reason. McCain had become an excrement show with all the bogus claims surrounding his nomination (which, to his credit, he spent air-time refuting himself), and the nomination of that total loss Palin.