No. of Recommendations: 6
I'm pretty much just thinking out loud here. I'm thinking that I (and others) might have felt more charitably toward Schumer and the Senate Dem leadership if he had explained his position somewhat differently than he did. Maybe it's just words, but words can matter. I'm thinking it might have gone better had he said something along the lines of:
"I, along with virtually all of the Democratic caucus, think this CR is awful. And therefore we will NOT vote for it. If Republicans in the Senate want to support this terrible resolution, they can do so. That's their prerogative. But then they will own it: lock, stock, and barrel. So when voters get hurt by this Republican bill--and it pains me deeply that they will--they should make no mistake about whom to hold accountable. This is a Republican bill enacted by Republicans and signed by a Republican President, period."