No. of Recommendations: 13
go revisit how well she did in 2019.
Yes, let's do that!
She was up against a strong slate of Democrat candidates, with legitimate track records and capable of speaking intelligently and knowledgeably on a wide range of issues. (Or maybe they just had better laughs?)
Her opponents did not include any 34-time convicted felons, convicted rapists, no one who tried to incite a mob to violently overturn an election so they could stay in power, no one who called soldiers killed fighting for our country "losers and suckers", no one so juvenile that they refused to call her by her right name, no one whining about her ethnicity, no one who had their charitable foundation shut down for misusing its funds on themselves, and on and on and on.... And that's among a whole slate of a dozen or so candidates, not all rolled into one candidate.
Yes, those were the days! Actual candidates, not reality TV stars who don't give a hoot about anything but themselves but are capable of putting on a show that appeals to a lot of people, in the pursuit of seeing just how much power and fame they can accumulate.