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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: They working Abortion
Date: 11/04/2024 11:08 AM
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I think I had written about this before but just like Sheeple has been Sheeple Smug on a myriad of issues and thus, deprived Democrats of better governing power, abortion is becoming that - HAS become that on the Right where their version of Sheeple doesn't want to give an inch.

A girl I knew in 7th grade - anyhow got back in touch perhaps - 15 years ago. Met few times, she's Facebook buddies with Wifey, and I just visited her in Texas a year ago.

MBA, does well in career. Comes from churchgoing Lutheran nuclear family. She is happily married 15 years, has 2 lovely twins. Lived in California MOST of her adult life and I remember when I visited with her in 2010-ish she talked about Obama being a Kenyan Socialist Muslim.

Anyhow, when I met her in Texas last year within 20 minutes I said "Texas has made you a bit more center, more liberal hasn't it" and she was shocked. "OH MY GOD you're just like you were in school. HOW did you know"? I said - you have kids and you're fed up with the gun obsession around, AND ....the Roe V Wade thing drove you to the edge. She said I was right - that being around the guns and the anti abortion stuff made her realize she's not so SConservative anymore.

She has been VEHEMENTLY for Harris - mainly because she's obsessively against Trump mainly on abortion - but then on AR15's. Perfectly good 2nd generation Conservative voter LOST to the Left - thanks to the Sheeple Taliban on my side.

Now get this. Another chick, Brooke - charming little blonde girl who was our classmate. Same thing - churchgoing Catholic, nuclear family as a kid....and even today wonderful husband, kids. that whole miserable anti-modern nuclear family doing just great. All these people are as white as white can be. And we were shocked - Brooke is going Kamala too - 100% on Abortion and Roe v Wade.

Gonna be so interesting who prevails this week. I STILL say, like I've said all year: IF Trump wins, the big story will be his inroads with blacks and hispanics. IF Harris wins, it'll be the turnout of women voters AND crossover votes from Republican women.

Republicans: A decade ago I said - we are losing votes on Gay Marriage, even when it's destined to be a normal thing in America. I got replies of "my principles" "my convictions!" "courage of my convictions!". I used to say same on trade - and got the same replies. Well, here we are - after losing a few elections REpubs are not so anti gay marriage now. EVEN if we win this week, our win will be smaller than it could've been. So I ask - just like I did on trade and gays: Do we *really* want to lose governing power - because we want to shout "freedom" while we trace women's periods, their travels, and tell them to have a baby that Willie Horton raped her for?

C'mon, think. Don't be like Smug Liberal Sheeple.

We dont have to be Liberals who want a fetus plucked just for sport. Rape, incest, life of mother. Any candidate not supporting that should get no party funding. Boom. In the next chapter, watch Liberals shit egg rolls if you ever do that.
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