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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: dealraker   😊 😞
Number: of 12450 
Subject: Re: Can't belive I did that
Date: 11/23/2024 7:32 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 8
Tops are such an interesting topic. Abbey Joseph Cohen successfully promoted the big caps including many non-techs like AIG and GE from the period 1996 all the way up until 2001. And Abbey didn't lose her incredible reputation until 2008 yet...

...almost 100% of the stocks she was famously promoting were over-valued way back in 1996. Even given the earnings just before the financial crisis more than ten years later the bulk of her promotions were over-valued...again in 1996.

So years and years of CNBC presentations proved off-base...unless of course you sold into the price gains.

What's the value of the go-go crowd stocks and other unique trophy assets that are popular today? The truth is we don't have a clue, it takes time.

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