No. of Recommendations: 3
Holding through the announcement had slightly higher CAGR than no rebalancing, but also higher GSD (From 20120702 To 20241113, no friction):
Screen CAGR GSD MDD Sharpe AT Depth
ThruAnnounNas100 20.3 29 -42 0.79 21 6
Nas100NoRebal 19.6 21 -37 0.99 0 100
Nas100MonthlyRebal 16.1 19 -31 0.89 1 100
{ThruAnnounNas100} buys the stocks with the soonest expected report date, and holds for 10 days. For example, at times buying the day before earnings and holding for 10 days.
Define {ThruAnnounNas100}
step0: [NASDAQ 100 Member; lag=1 days] == 1
step1: [SI EPS Est Q0-Exp Rep Date; lag=1 days] > 0
step2: [SI EPS Est Q0-Exp Rep Date; lag=1 days] Bottom 4; Cash When Fewer
Holding period = 10 mkt days
Rebalance to equal weight among new positions only
All trades at market close. that repdtq0.s is not an Ordinal (e.g. ord:1 is 26109, and NVDA repdtq0.s is 20241120).
quarter ends:
perendq1.s [SI Q1 Ending Date as Ordinal]
dateeq0.s [SI Latest Quarterly EPS Date as Ordinal]
announcement dates:
qsdate.s [SI Quarterly Surprise Date as Ordinal]
repdtq0.s [SI EPS Est Q0-Exp Rep Date]