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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Crime stats,
Date: 10/16/2024 8:10 PM
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hclasvegas: What did u think of the interview bud?

Interview? That looked more like Bret Baier picking an argument. Baier must have been scared to death by the thousands of emails and messages warning him not to go easy on her or else.

But she did great. She was unflappable. She looked strong, and presidential. I especially liked it when Baier tried to pass off a Trump clip that Baier claimed refuted the claim that Trump constantly calls Americans the "enemies from within" -- but was him playing the victim card and talking about "Alfonse Capone" -- and she wouldn't let him get away with the obvious misrepresentation.

As a journalist, he should have been ashamed at this blatant attempt to sanewash Trump but in the end, he's just another Fox lackey.

Best case scenario some women Fox "News" viewers come away thinking, "Gee, I don't agree with her but she's sure not dumb. And she looked strong without being bitchy. I thought she was supposed to be stupid and weak. Hhmmm."

Seeing that republicans are whining and crying MAGA tears about the "interview," they must have thought she did too good a job. She might want to consider another appearance or two in hostile territory.

Dana Perino, George W Bush's press secretary and Fox host, said: "But at times, especially when she was going after Donald Trump, she was fairly effective at that."

Yep. That was what really mattered: she definitely landed some solid body blows on that flappy orange blubber.

Oh, and before you say, "But she didn't answer the questions," she answered enough and deflected effectively. That's how these interviews are done when they're done right.

BTW, when's the last time Trump answered an interview question or a Fox interviewer either talked over him or stopped him from talking after 30 seconds besides never?

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