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Author: WaveDoc 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: DataHelper may be GONE FOREVER
Date: 03/14/2025 3:28 PM
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I just tried to find a post using DataHelper and was redirected to an announcement that the site was "currently under destruction."

I then called Mark Wilcox and asked him if the site is down permanently or under repair. The answer was that it may or may not ever be up again. The problem is (if I understood him correctly) that the server died and the code is too old to run on any server currently available. And Mark hasn't been involved with any of the MF boards for a long time, so motivation is understandably lacking. I am more than a little surprised the site has been available for as long as it has.

He also stated that someone from the Board was interested in taking over the project, but somehow that inquiry never went anywhere. So - if all that institutional knowledge is to be preserved, somebody with the skills to resurrect the code (old, ugly code) is going to have to step up and take over. Mark said he has no reservations about handing over the code; he does have doubts that he will ever get the site back up.

If anybody is interested, please contact me directly if you need his phone number. I would certainly be willing to make a donation towards the procurement and maintenance of a server.

Any volunteers out there?


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