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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Trump , reality 101,
Date: 10/29/2024 5:08 PM
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Djt traded 9 xs normal average volume up 4.15 to 51.50. Im sure trump would like to thank the msm and all his haters for helping him make another 5 billion plus. When plan A isn’t working, street smart kids go with plan B. Harris has to leave her comfort zone and do a 30 minute unscripted sit down chat with Mika, Maddow, Joy, Don Lemon, someone, asap. If she can’t, that might explain why she’s a 1.80 under dog and tens of billions are pouring into DJT, his stock. This is the first time in history to my knowledge that the favorite to be our next president is the majority shareholder and, control person, of a public company. The risks and possibilities of this situation are unlimited. Has anyone in the press taken finance 101? WHO is investing tens of billion’s into djt at 50 ish , who? What a FKn country. 💕☮️
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