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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Feel good story of the day
Date: 09/20/2024 4:21 PM
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They're fighting for their lives and trying to gain every advantage over what is turning into a 2-front war.

Booby-trapping civilian items goes a bit too far. It was clever, but the possibility for something like one being aboard an airliner should have given them pause. That's why you aren't supposed to weaponize civilian devices. But clearly they don't care.

Also, the situation is not as dire as you portray. They are not "fighting for their lives". Ukraine is, but not Israel. Israel as a state is under no real threat (i.e. nobody in the neighborhood could take them down). Not to minimize the terrorist threat to individual citizens. But there is not -at present- an existential threat to Israel, so they are not "fighting for their lives".

No one cares what the UN says; they were always going to vote against Israel.

Yes. Because Israel is in violation of international law regarding settlements (which is what the vote was about).
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