No. of Recommendations: 5
Donnie (sounding nervous): Mr Putin, I am so glad you took my call sir, I thought there may be something wrong because it has been such a long time to take my call.
Putin: No Donnie, not to worry, I have been very busy trying to help Xi with his next project. Now I don't have much time. Ukraine. Your predecessor really screwed things up by not letting me take Ukraine, but now it is moving in the right direction. You were able to get that Fox News guy as your Defense Secretary. What a brilliant move, I was a bit concerned about your abilities, but you are moving in the right direction.
Donnie: Well thank you sir. Even I was surprised how easy it was to get him in. Of course. your help with the media certainly made it easier.
Putin: I have decided that we will hold our position in Ukraine until we can re-group after Biden's meddling made our plans difficult. The peace agreement will be Ukraine out of Russian territory, Ukraine is not to be allowed near NATO and Russia will continue to hold all the territory we have taken. This will allow us to move and take the rest of Ukraine in a few years just like I planned. Well Donnie, what do you think?
Donnie: Well sir, I just want to look strong and make America great again.
Putin: Donnie, you came up with a great slogan, MAGA. It distracts the masses while we can do what we want. I will have our agents in the media say what a great peace solution you have developed and how it will make America great again. The crowds will love you Donnie. Dope1, LM and BHM will be singing your praises. Everyone loves a winner (said with a barely concealed snigger)!
Putin: Donnie, have to go, I am placing a call to Xi to let him know that Russia is at his disposal for the next attack on democracy. Remember, I am counting on you.
Donnie: No need to worry sir, I like looking strong and I want to look strong like you.