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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trumpers need to read this
Date: 03/08/2025 11:44 AM
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Good tact!

Don't do this:

Guys, can you hear me out just a minute?

Look, some of us love the President, some of us don't like the President and let's face it ---there's some people out there at some shopping mall who dont even know who the President is :)

But at least we're all still Americans.

Even though we probably don't agree on everything, I admit, sometimes me and my side have been bad at listening to Traditional Americans when really, it was Traditional Americans that built this country. Traditional Americans just want to live a good life, love their wives and husbands, make sure their kids get a fair shake in life, and live ok after they've paid their dues, and retire and do what makes them happy.

Some of this stuff, shame on me, you guys are right. We need to secure the border. Our language, counts. Our pride as a nation, matters. The safety of our girls and women is important and we got enough to worry about in raising our boys and girls, without adding new stuff to the list. Everyone oughta be respected. Nobody should be mistreated, but parents rights come first. That being said....

Traditional Americans showed us the way: Do good in school. Do one day's work for one day's pay. Maybe give a day to the Lord or your community here and there. Keep our soldiers strong and safe, and call them when our safety and honor and our way of life needed protecting.

So I want to say to the Traditional Americans out there ---I'm a bit worried that there's stuff happening in the swamp that goes against all of what we all believe in and want. All I ask - click this link and see what it says. We're Americans ----nobody in the world has more common sense than we do and we don't get tricked too easily . OK ......SEE? "people lacking a college degree". "African American males" "dumb-Phuck white people"----NONE of those shitty terms are used ---WHO wants to be known as that??? BUT - the people who decide these things LOVE LOVE LOVE "Traditional American" and then.....instead of talking DOWN ----TO-----THEM...... I just humbly spoke, WITH them ----and asked their permission to do so.

People --- think of salesman or recruiters whom you signed with. Think of men and women that either got a ring on your finger or got you into the sack----did they come off with "Hey dumbass, Cult this, Racist that". Does a lady's man go to a girl in the bar and say "Hey! Pizza and a Fuck? "

You need to first compromise a bit. And THEN figure out that in a "Democracy!" you gotta at very least see citizens as citizens - not lessors. Or at least fake it.

THEN - don't tell them "Haha, you got tricked. You cult shitheads neeener"----- you get them to at least listen or lean forward, and once they know you aren't talking DOWN to them - you speak in SIMPLE forthright ways and no laundry list: Wages, prices, health insurance, schools, retirement. THAT'S IT.

And guess what? Win elections ---for real where you actually do some things.

My Democratic Candidate could've kicked Trump's ass easily.

But rather, he did that to you - again.
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