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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41607 
Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Date: 10/28/2024 4:51 PM
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Funny how you see the answers to most questions as being either the ridiculous extreme answer that you hold, or the equally extreme and ridiculous answer that is held by almost no one.

Quick…. Show us anothe video of a crazy lady ringing a doorbell.

And it's funny how you people are unable to discuss any rational policy.

All you have are ... trite soundbites about manufacturing more terrorists. What you fail to understand is lots of things manufacture more terrorists. Like, say, da Joos having their own place to live. Or da Joos being able to live at all. So since you'd rather cluck your tongue than solve a problem, here you go.

I'll make it easy for you and give you the answer and you can wring your hands over it:

*The Israelis are through with putting up with random rockets landing on their heads, people coming over the walls to murder and from hearing about it from an international community that mostly just wants them to fail. So they're doing something.
*They're also done with pretending that it's totally okay for a country to sit back and fund all this with no consequences.

So they're doing something.

The politics of people who say "bbbut they're manufacturing terrorists" are those of the bullied kid hoping that the bully picks on them last. That's not how you deal with bullies.

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