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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Musk Banker for Sovereign Wealth Fund
Date: 03/05/2025 5:04 PM
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Michael Grimes, a former Morgan Stanley banker who is known for advising Elon Musk on his $44 billion takeover of Twitter, is expected to lead the new US sovereign wealth fund financed by tariffs imposed on foreign countries.

Of course there is no US sovereign wealth fund and King Donald does not have the power to create such a fund... or redirect revenue into it... or appoint anyone to run it from an office that was not created by law.

King Donald cannot levy taxes... and cannot spend money from tariffs on cybercurrency. He does not have the power of the purse nor of taxation.

We're quickly moving from unconstitutional to anti-constitutional lawlessness, a state that a spineless legislature and a compliant supreme court seem eager to embrace with open arms.

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