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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Drones?
Date: 12/15/2024 1:26 AM
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So here's the situation. Homeowners all over Central NJ, in addition to local police, mayors, state reps, state senators, etc. are now seeing one or more drones flying overhead when they step outside at night. They are most definitely not planes. They usually have both red and green flashing lights, and sometimes these lights are seen in a triangular pattern. They fly back and forth, sometimes in darting motions, and at various angles.

They have been reported all over Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Monmouth and Ocean Counties over the past few nights. It's too large an operation to be the work of amateurs or teens.

I'm a stickler for facts and don't want to spread any conspiracy theories. But it sees to me that these are our (US government) drones and they are looking for something on the ground. Maybe they're not telling us what they're looking for, because they don't want to cause panic.
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