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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: They're Killing the Fish!
Date: 09/14/2024 7:48 PM
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>>Which opens the door for selective enforcement, the primary weapon of the deep state.<<<

Mike, you're a conspiracy theorist? - Lapsody


Never thought of myself as one but that regulatory state warfare idea was just me, I didn't get it from my assigned dark-web MAGA server for my sector. So maybe I am a fledgling conspiracy guy. Yeah, I like it. How's this,

Since the lawfare on Trump hasn't brought him down, the left is moving to use the more pervasive regstate(© bhm) as a weapon. Think of all the properties and all the regulations, ordinances, and permits that are subject to audit. Image a Venn diagram where a myriad of inspectors converge with a crap load of properties, and in the intersection, justice lives.

Every city, county, state and federal agency, get your inspectors and compliance officers out there! Let's see how quick we can crank out a thousand citations to get the ball rolling. Those DA's were pikers with less then 50 indictments. The regstate(© bhm) says hold my beer.
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