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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 6:57 PM
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No, no, no, no - this scenario is based on the left wing narrative that Trump incited an armed mob to go down the to Capitol and overthrow the government. There's not any of this where Pence gets a choice - they were coming for him according to the Tall Tales of January 6 that we've been graced with in the media and on this board.

You're asking how this possibly results in Trump remaining President. That's one of the scenarios. That the angry mob creates such an impact that Pence reconsiders his recalcitrance, bows to the reality that the American people believe so strongly in this cause that he should relent. That's one possibility. Several people in this thread have mentioned it - I think you're just focusing on your own sense of the single story, not what other people are saying to you.

There were only a few dozen (and that's being generous) nutjobs. They had pepper spray and signs. Not automatic rifles. As you yourself admitted, the second this bloodthirsty, insurrection-y, violent mob incited by Trump to overthrow the government ran into Pence's protective detail it wouldn't have gone well for them.

It didn't go well for those storming the Bastille, either. The defenders had the fortress walls and cannon, and killed more than 10% of the mob (nearly a hundred people) while suffering only a single death themselves (until after their surrender). The fact that it wouldn't go well from them doesn't mean that they don't succeed in an act of violence that brings slows the certification down by more than a few hours.

Again, we're playing out the B-movie narrative that every left wing journalist in the country has been braying about for 3 and half years.

Sure - you asked for the scenario where this results in Trump remaining President. Or BHM did, I've lost track. They were modestly successful in these efforts - they managed to get dozens of people to falsely sign their names as electors, generating several false slates, and convinced more than 100 Congressbeings to refuse to acknowledge what actually happened during the election so that Trump could stay in power. It was ultimately unsuccessful, but the effort was definitely there to try to wrongly utilize the certification process as a way of preventing the actual winner of the election from becoming President.

Or did none of that happen? There weren't any second slates of electors falsely claiming that Trump won their states' elections? More than half of the GOP House caucus didn't refuse to certify the election results that Biden won? That was all a B-movie, not real life? Could of sworn that stuff actually happened....
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