Please be respectful of others' privacy, and avoid sharing personal information or sensitive content without their permission. If you are unsure if something is appropriate to share, ask for permission (use the 'Privately email' option when replying to their post) or avoid sharing it altogether.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 2
by FB. This is why lifelong liberals are being forced to leave the Dem party. With less than 30 days to go the usual suspects, are controlling the narrative, again. Shameful.
" Israel-Hamas war: Journalist questions 'how can there be a cease-fire?' | Cuomo"
No. of Recommendations: 1
Current betting line, trump getting stronger. DJT back to 21.8 on huge volume.
trump - 1.05
harris + 1.10
For the non-gamblers you bet 105$ to win 100$ on trump. You bet 100$ on Harris to win 110$. FB, goog, msm, editing interviews, playing their games isn't working. The DNC may get the opportunity to clean house and start over.
No. of Recommendations: 14
by FB. This is why lifelong liberals are being forced to leave the Dem party. With less than 30 days to go the usual suspects, are controlling the narrative, again. Shameful.hclasvegas, you're frequently noting that video clips are being removed by Facebook. Yet it has always seemed unlikely that they would be able to do that with such regularity without the folks being removed complaining vociferously about it, and their complaints being talked about in other conservative media. I've always found it surprising that, unlike the removal of the NYPost story about the Biden laptop, there has been no discussion of this supposed pattern of removal.
This is the first time I've had enough information to actually search on facebook for the specific clip you're claiming they removed. It's still on the site. Right there, on the NewsNation facebook page.
Is it
possible that FB is just removing
your repostings of these clips, perhaps for violating some TOS about how you are allowed to post other people's content? I don't use FB so I don't know the details of how that is supposed to work. I just seems odd that FB would be removing your posts based on the content of the posts, while allowing the most accessible and visible version of the same content (on the actual creator's well-followed page) to remain up and easily searchable.
No. of Recommendations: 0
" This is the first time I've had enough information to actually search on facebook for the specific clip you're claiming they removed. It's still on the site. Right there, on the NewsNation facebook page."
good morning albaby. I can share the same links with smerconish, and others on FB and FB doesn't remove it from their posts. Obviously, they never get removed from X. Trust me, I know what content they remove from my posts. BTW, I have never been suspended for one day from FB, unlike many others. If you would like me to send you the notifications from FB and the articles and videos they remove or they delete let me know, I'll send it to you. I can't figure out how to share a photo of the notifications from FB on this site, can I? Thanks.
No. of Recommendations: 0
No. of Recommendations: 0, al, you gave me an idea that works within my very limited skill set. Thats just to confirm what I've been telling you. I doubt others care, thanks for your interest. BTW, Cuomo, Abrams, Dersh, Prasad, Bhattacharya, etc all know they have been cancelled, vilified, demonized, removed, etc. Lawsuits are pending. Off to the park, have a grand day.
No. of Recommendations: 0
let's see IF I can do this? - hclasvegas
FWIW, I clicked the link you provided. Not sure what you intended but all Facebook returned was a status report about my own account...
Account Status
Your account looks good! Thanks for sticking to the rules and making Facebook a better place.
No. of Recommendations: 4
This is why lifelong liberals are being forced to leave the Dem party.
LMAO! Because Trump is such a great alternative?
You're full of it. : )
No. of Recommendations: 7
good morning albaby. I can share the same links with smerconish, and others on FB and FB doesn't remove it from their posts. Obviously, they never get removed from X. Trust me, I know what content they remove from my posts.
I get it - but it doesn't make any sense that they would remove your posts, and not NewsNation's posts, if the object was to remove NewsNation's content from the platform. Or even to hide it. No offense, but their pages and posts are going to be vastly more visible than yours. There must be some other reason why your posts keep getting pulled.