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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: RPM 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Tariff question
Date: 03/13/2025 7:49 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 18
What about the protectionist tariffs you have, on say, dairy products and other things? Why is Canada allowed to slap punitive fees on US goods but not the other way 'round?

What about the huge tariffs you apply on sugar? What about the huge subsidies US provide to the Agriculture-> Dairy industry? you can call it whatever you want, but its all putting your thumb on the scale.

My understanding of the Canadian Dairy tariffs, they are ONLY if you guys drop your pants (subsidized ag flow thru pricing) and decimate our dairy industry. Its volume or value based when those tariffs kick in. Have any of those tariffs ever kicked in since negotiated by DJT team in 2018? --- NO, its just clickbate to you, and it works cause the percentage is large. Its purpose is only meant to be, the last line of defence, its the nuclear option.

You want to negotiate, put all your cards on the table. We just have different systems to achieve the same ends, understand the details before you just blow it up.

Oh and don't get us started about ethanol and corn farming subsidies.

Something about a pot and a kettle...
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