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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 8:47 AM
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Copied from the world wide internet.

I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong. Not Trump University, not self-dealing his charity, not separating families and putting children in cages. Not sexually assaulting women. Not shaking down foreign leaders for dirt on Biden. Not his business frauds. Not his tax cheating. Not his bankruptcies. Not stiffing his contractors. Not mocking the disabled. Not suggesting dropping atomic bombs on hurricanes. Nothing. Ever. Their messiah is 100% perfect.
This is why MAGA qualifies as a cult.
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Author: UpNorthJoe 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 10:04 AM
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"I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong"

that's been my experience as well.

And the majority of them that I know have the habit of just talking louder and louder
when trying to make a point, as if increasing the decibels increases the logic.
There are a few exceptions, the nice lady that cuts my hair is a soft spoken
Trump supporter, at least when cutting hair,lol. She knows where I stand, and I know
where she stands, so we never chat about Trump anymore. I sure hope she doesn't bring up the
price of eggs and other groceries, I may not be able to contain myself, lol.

A friend from California was visiting last Fall. We stopped in a little neighborhood, working class bar in our old hometown. As we had a beer, the lady bartender asked where we from,
and friend told her. She replied, "you're from California, my condolences". She then commented
on how bad things were there. I broke out laughing, asked her if she'd ever been there, and of course she hadn't. I then told her that California, as a stand alone State, had one of the 10
largest GDP's of any COUNTRY in the World. She actually looked at us and apologized to my
friend for her comments( although the lure of a big tip probably had something to do with it )!

We are pretty well screwed,lol.
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Author: UpNorthJoe 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 10:12 AM
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Also, my friend lives in Marin County with his family, I was fortunate enough to visit
them a couple of years ago. It is truly one of the best places in America to live.
Stunning scenery everywhere, seemingly unlimited outdoor rec possibilities.

And the hometown that we come from, is honestly a dump. Huge drug and alcohol problems.
But that lady Maga bartender is so sure that she's got it better than my very rich friend
living in Marin County,lol.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 10:43 AM
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Who crafted the bankruptcy laws Trump used?

Cmon Hillary already got a talking to in front of the world about this one.

Trump University: DEAD WRONG, BAD

Stiffing workers: DEAD WRONG, BAD

Signed, someone who can discern - unlike you. You are no different than the average G Gordon Liddy listener back in the day lo
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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 10:46 AM
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I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong.

Does this count?

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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 10:50 AM
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Trump U just plain scam fraud.

Stiffing workers and contractors - wrong and bad.

Jan 6: The violent offenders should not have been freed.

Covid: The "it'll go away" attitude

Covid: Inject lysol or whatever - literally, dead wrong

Covid: Turning masks and vaxxes into a tribal-political-gang colors thing, dead wrong.


I guess I'm a Cultist.
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 11:00 AM
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"I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong" - UNJ


I have posted a number of criticisms of Trump, such as his meddling with Roe v Wade, his awkward ramblings concerning the Panama Canal issue, his going too far with his J6 pardons, the disrespect he showed to Vivek Ramaswamy. I could think of a few other examples but you get the idea.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 11:05 AM
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have posted a number of criticisms of Trump, such as his meddling with Roe v Wade, his awkward ramblings concerning the Panama Canal issue, his going too far with his J6 pardons, the disrespect he showed to Vivek Ramaswamy. I could think of a few other examples but you get the idea.

Trouble is, many Trump supporters here are NOT cultists.

BUT - the Liberals - are Absolutists.

Thank heavens for Democracy and guardrails or these Liberals would have many of us in reeducation camps, and be dictating anything from what we eat to who we marry to what we say and what we think and worship.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 11:58 AM
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And I also read of one Jan 6er that refused Trump's pardon. He said he was no longer MAGA and that what he had done on Jan 6 couldn't be pardoned. (The article didn't tell us what he did though.) Somehow he got deprogrammed. :)

I'm actually concerned about the people who are going to get hurt by Trump stumbling around in his authoritarian way, aided and abetted by co-conspirators some of whom are damn well happy to dismantle democratic protections. One of the reasons people go into government work is that it is stable and you get a decent retirement. So what we have is a malevolent Baby Huey turned loose with the Executive Power.

and now it's "let the Governor do it" for disasters - unless it's a red state, then they'll get aid. He talks about people not being able to vote because of no voter ID - what a crock - I used my driver's license while there, but once you're registered, acceptable ID is expansive, which means more people can vote, not less, so he wants less. These whimsical requirements for blue states getting disaster aid is just a crock.

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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 12:13 PM
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I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong.
Does this count?

No. Lindsey Graham has an ironclad record of saying whatever is politically expedient at the moment.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 12:31 PM
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It doesn’t matter. Unless you’re willing to join The Church Of Progressivism and kneel down, screaming, inside of a children’s day care about how much you hate Cheeto Hitler you’re not a true believer.

But they are!
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 12:47 PM
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Does this count?

I don’t think so. “I don’t like it” pretty far down the disapproval scale and a distance away from “This is a despicable act and the opposite of what should be done in a society which values law and order.”
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 2:23 PM
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Does this count?


After he makes another trip to Mara Lago and gets his spanking from Daddy Trump, you won’t hear him say that again.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 01/26/2025 3:11 PM
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I have never heard a MAGA say one single thing that trump ever did wrong.

I think Mike counts.
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Author: suaspontemark   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 9:03 AM
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For context, I worked in the Bush and Obama WH, and I know a number of flag officers, a former deputy Cabinet Secretary, etc personally. That's what happens after 35 years in the DoD, the last 20 of which have been in and around DC.

The follower piece of the equation is interesting. The other component, the leader, is as well - I suspect he's never used the words "I'm sorry." Two more I doubt he's used - or if he has, he hasn't felt them - are "thank you." There's cause to use both of those simple pairings every day. But not in this camp.

The deprogramming will take time. Having been in the same room as, or having met, every President from Bush the First on, he's been the least impressive.

The "this is fine" ethos carries on into the Cabinet selections. Pete Hegseth would not be hired by me to be a Platoon Leader. Conduct and moral compass are dodgy, full stop. Yet here we are, where a known violator of Article 134 of the UCMJ when he was a commissioned officer (Adultery) is deemed the right choice to fill the biggest and most powerful cabinet position in America, probably the world.

The hubris-as-a-feature extends into this realm. Were I asked to be SECDEF, I would laugh and say no within the space of a few seconds, though I'm vastly more qualified than him. That's just a pair comparison - compared to the gamut of those who are actually reasonable choices, I'm still vastly lacking. And here we are.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 9:40 AM
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<IThe hubris-as-a-feature extends into this realm. Were I asked to be SECDEF, I would laugh and say no within the space of a few seconds, though I'm vastly more qualified than him. - sua


Your resume is impressive and you certainly seem highly qualified to me. I hope you get offered the SECDEF job in some future Democrat administration, one that better reflects your values. Meanwhile, present day voters elected Trump to represent them for the next four years and Trump is assembling his team, which includes Hegseth. Would it help if I said I'm sorry?

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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 11:28 AM
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Would it help if I said I'm sorry?


In fact, it wouldn’t even help if you admitted you are wrong, which you are.

Maybe, if you worked to help repair the damage your choice has done to destroy our republic. But that’s just a maybe.
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Author: suaspontemark   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 12:57 PM
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This has nothing to do with values. Competence and fitness aren't values, they're qualifications. That there are indications of "return to merit" or such are comical, considering the SECDEF selection (and many others) is simply a contest of whoever is the best lickspittle.

Clearly when I worked in the Bush WH the appointed staff (as opposed to the professional staff like those of us in the military and the USSS) were there on some level as a reward for fidelity and hard work. Same with Obama, when I worked in that era.

The massive difference is though they were awarded for loyalty, they were also smart and competent and devoid of the comically bad behavior we see in this lot.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 2:39 PM
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This has nothing to do with values. Competence and fitness aren't values, they're qualifications.

Not in this administration. Competence and fitness have been shoved to the back of the bus. Nice to have, but these are not #1. And if we find anyone quoting facts and data that is in any way contrary to the truth that has been revealed to Dear Leader while he was sitting on his golden throne and watching FOXNews, that person will be thrown into the outer circle of hell where men gnash their teeth.

Now, “loyalty to Trump”, as demonstrated by answering in the affirmative the question:

“Did Joe Biden steal the 2020 election?”

....is the number one qualification for any job in the Civil Service....which soon will simply be called "Schedule F"

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