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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Blackswanny   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: So 9 years later
Date: 09/01/2024 12:52 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 9
I see the board has lit up about DG. I'm about £200 down on it. I only purchased for interest value to keep track. I spend a lot of time going through other investors portfolios to generate ideas, (rather than screeners) and then trying to figure out what the interest is. Some are obvious no brainers with a clear moat and attractive fundamentals and I'll take a sizeable position,

I couldn't figure out the attraction of DG in that respect so put it in the "too hard pile". As always do your own research and never shoot the messenger and take personal responsibility for your own investment decisions. DG reinforces this lesson.
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