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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: LIZZY OYER
Date: 03/12/2025 7:33 AM
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How is our democracy now YOURS?

Seems like you will be affected the same as the rest of us.

But since you are cheering for one more step toward a dictatorship, let’s note, as per your post, that you are lining up on the other side.

Sorry, but you dont answer simple questions. I on the other hand am not a coward about my views- you are.

So once again...as usual - I'm happy to speak for myself - unlike you.

I'M HAPPY if my democracy goes - as long as YOU PEOPLE lose yours.

Please, take it now - as long as I see you lose yours.

So my democracy is going just fine. It's going how I warned you Sheeple - and now it's going exactly how I want it to go.

Are you as gleeful and joyful about it as I am?

I only wish he had another term coming.

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