No. of Recommendations: 2
That's not the generous framing. Rather, the generous framing is that there were a couple of dozen nutjobs who thought they were going to bust in the Capitol and prevent Joe Biden from being certified as the winner of the election.
Okay, let's be SUPER GENEROUS and say there were a couple of dozen nutjobs armed with pepper spray and signs who thought they were going to bust in the Capitol and prevent Joe Biden from being certified as the winner of the election.
What was their probability of success?
The answer is...less than zero.
Perhaps not, but probably no worse chance of success than other incidents that typically are considered insurrections/rebellions (like John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, Nat Turner's slave revolt, or the Whiskey Rebellion).
There were no fewer that 11 armed rebellions between 1776 and the Civil War, with the most significant being Shay's Rebellion, which featured some 4,500 rebels armed with more than signs and pepper spray. None of them succeeded, obviously.
At some point you guys are going to have to bow to the inevitable and admit that the democrats' histrionics over January 6th are straight from Fantasy Island. There's no There there in terms of argumentative ground for the left to stand on.