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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Election interference - how it's done
Date: 10/04/2024 11:22 AM
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This is how the left operates.
I used to make this point during the Obama years and PA'ers would pretend it doesn't happen: The left as a culture of power preservation. Let's review.

A workplace culture is a shared set of norms and behavioral expectations. It functions as a guiding set of principles so you can figure out what to do when nobody told you what to do.

For the left, their foot soldiers don't need any written orders to go out and put their thumbs on the scale to help keep democrats in power. They know what to do. Sometimes it manifests itself in the IRS coming down on conservative 501c(3)s or maybe OSHA pays somebody a visit who's been too visible in politics.

Their team knows what to do. And since it's a cultural thing to cheat, the leaders can with a wink and a nod say "I never told them to do that" and never take any real disciplinary action.

That brings us to today. There's a Trump rally scheduled for Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of State just happened to decide to begin to do some maintenance of their registration system...during the exact time the rally was going to happen.

An amazing coincidence! I'm suuuuuuuuure there was nothing to that. Plausible deniability and all that.

After this was blasted on social media, Pennsylvania backed off.

This is who the democrat are, and they'll stop at nothing to keep power. If Trump wins a purge of Deep State operative at the federal level necessary.
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