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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Rudy, Rudy, Rudy
Date: 10/22/2024 5:02 PM
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It's coming. They're already documenting how some J6 witnesses lied under oath and/or had inappropriate contact.

Who is “they”?

How many J-6 defendants?
What proof?

We saw what we saw on J-6, and what we saw was real time, minute by minute, and what we saw was not a “day of love.

We saw cops being pummeled, bear sprayed and dragged head first down staircases. We heard the “Hang Mike Pence” yells and the “where’s Nancy?” We saw footage of Jason Crow prepared to defend the House floor while Ted Cruz hid in a closet and Josh “Mr. Masculinity” beating cheeks down a hallway, running past the women as fast as he could.

We saw what we saw. We heard what we heard, and no clips of nice old people enjoying an afternoon on the Capitol lawn will change the rational conclusion that what happened on J6 was a violent attempt, egged on by Trump, to stop the transfer of power from himself to the person who received the largest number of electoral (and popular) votes.

Did some innocent people get swept up in the prosecutions? Perhaps, and if that is the case, they should be freed. But as the right is forever reminding us- too many criminals are freed on technicalities….. but I do subscribe to the old adage: It is best for 100 guilty men to go free than for 1 guilty man to go to prison….. so, reluctantly I support those released on technicalitues.

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