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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Trump needs to lose in a landslide
Date: 10/15/2024 3:22 AM
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More from Moore:

After Trump learned that a woman was going to pummel him on Election Day, "he soon became unhinged, ranted for hours about Hannibal Lecter, Haitians cannibalizing your pets, and a nonstop drone of oral diarrhea spewing misogyny, racism and essentially claiming that if he loses “it will be the Jews’ fault.”

An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268.

But I think we need more. We need to ensure that Trump loses in a landslide, with numbers so massive, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the entire country tuned in to watch Geraldo open up Al Capone’s vault. Because that’s the only way to guarantee his permanent removal from the public eye. We should settle for nothing less.

My own gut reaction is that there will be an uprising of women at the polls, handing Trump a historic defeat in which Harris could win it in a landslide:

Harris: 55%

Trump: 42%

3rd Party: 3%

If there ever was an election where the totally unexpected and crazy could happen, this is already that election. Assume nothing. Take zero for granted. Work to prevent the worst results and prepare to make a possible Trump presidency a complete failure by spending these next weeks helping to elect Democrats to the House and Senate, thus creating a Blue Wall that will guarantee Trump will not be able to do anything for the next four years."


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