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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: luxury of voting against interests
Date: 08/26/2024 4:49 AM
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"many blue states vote against their interest as well - the RNC tax policy would likely benefit a lot of people (at least in the short term) that for vote democrat as an example."

Sure there are lots of people who only look at the short term. They run up the credit card bill, only pay the minimum each month. It is in their best short term interests to enjoy themselves and spend more than they make. However, mature adults realize that is a short term phenomena and in the long term credit card bills need to be paid and running up a credit card bill is more painful in the long term.

So I would disagree about your assertion. Mature adults realize it isn't in their best interests to set up a system where billionaires and corporations pay very little in taxes so the credit card bill rises and rises.
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