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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Worm-brain wants to revoke polio vaccine
Date: 12/13/2024 3:40 PM
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The lawyer for RFK Junior has asked the FDA to revoke approval for the polio vaccine. RFK Junior is the guy with the worm in his brain, who dumped a dead bear in Central Park, and cut off a whale's head before strapping the carcass to his minivan and carrying it home. He's also the guy that Trump has nominated to be head of the Department of Health.


He's been spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines rather than bothering to look at the scientific evidence that says they're safe. It's because of the polio vaccine that we have no more polio here in the US and much of the rest of the world.

To petition the FDA to revoke approval of the polio vaccine is a threat to public health in the US. Before the days of this vaccine, kids would wind up paralyzed and crippled by polio. Up until the 1950s, it was common to see pictures of people stricken by polio wearing leg braces and crutches.

If the FDA makes the polio vaccine optional, we're going to again see this happening to kids.

Electing stupid, unqualified people to government has its consequences.
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