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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 2 minutes on why some tariffs
Date: 03/15/2025 8:14 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 9
"If we move those manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., the same products will cost more."

Where are the skilled manufacturing workers going to come from ?
I'm pretty sure Industrial Arts curriculum has been gutted in the USA school system for
at least this century. I'm not saying there aren't skill centers that are available
for HS kids, but it is nowhere near like it was back in the 60s and 70s. The kids are
pushed toward college prep, not industrial arts. So how long does it take the USA school
system to start pumping out kids skilled in machine arts ? Especially with Trump
gutting the Dept of Ed.

It's like we are watching a Keystone Kops movie. Trump admin hasn't dug down into what is
necessary to have a workforce ready to put out worldclass products.

And the biggest IF to me is: why would any sane person think that Trump has any
answers in regards to rebuilding American manufacturing ?? Trump sure as hell is not
an Engineer, he has no experience at anything he says he is trying to do. He sure
ain't an economist. The Golden Age of Tariffs in America never existed. It sucked for
the vast majority of citizens.

I never watched a single episode of The Apprentice, but he must have been an
incredibly good actor in it. Cause all he knows is how to bullshit people,
and he's got 40% of American adults thinking he's a genius. Man, are we going to
pay a wicked price for our stupidity.
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