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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: bn balance
Date: 01/02/2025 5:00 PM
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there have been some impressive authors posting, both positive and negative, in the last few years.
i would propose this is the best public writeup on brookfield since the split, due to its balancing complexity with emphasis on what is most relevant....


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Author: Mdsoup   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: bn balance
Date: 01/05/2025 4:22 PM
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Are you able to post the full text or a summary at least for those of us who don’t subscribe to Seeking Alpha? Thanks!
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: bn balance
Date: 01/06/2025 10:20 AM
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SA not free to read w/out signup?
anyway, the long article explains key points in more detail (and this is where most are frustrated by complexity), but the conclusion is below....

"Brookfield aspires to grow mainly through Private Funds and BWS Capital (Insurance) over the next couple of years.
In my opinion, BN will profit far more than BAM because it expects to earn 2% spread earnings on BWS Capital, while BAM only earns fees of around 0.44%.
The growth in Private Funds should be in favor of BAM from the management fee side, but overall in favor of BN due to carry."
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Author: Mdsoup   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: bn balance
Date: 01/07/2025 9:27 PM
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Thanks, I appreciate it. And no, without a paid subscription (and only a basic subscription) I can only read one curated SA article per day that I receive via email. They used to allow 5 free per month (or something like that) but that was changed some time ago.
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: bn balance
Date: 01/08/2025 10:51 AM
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not sure what has changed, but i have unlimited public SA articles since ~2017 w/ basic free signup, and never paid a dime. including bn article above.

(there are authors that sell paid subscriptions to private articles...assume one would be aware if they paid specifically for that)
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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: bn balance
Date: 01/08/2025 11:57 PM
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not sure what has changed, but i have unlimited public SA articles since ~2017 w/ basic free signup, and never paid a dime. including bn article above.

I'm not sure what changed either, but it sure changed for me as well, I would guess three to five years ago. I can very rarely read any SA articles, even the stinking little notices of dividend declarations that get emailed to me. I have heard other people, like you, say they still get unlimited free articles. I used to, but not any more.

One of life's mysteries. I'm not sure what makes the difference. For a while I had a work-around through a website that used to magically make the articles readable, but somebody wised up and now even that doesn't work for me any more. Maybe it's whether you contribute comments on articles? I can remember a time when TMF became a paid site, but people who were frequent commenters on the boards would get the membership fee waived.
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