No. of Recommendations: 21
I don’t know how he does it. He managed to rig the 2020 election, even while Donald Trump was President and Republicans were in charge of most state houses and collecting and counting the ballots. That takes some kind of Jason Bourne mind games, I’ll tell you.
On top of which, we all know he’s a doddering old fool who can barely get out of bed in the morning, but at the same time he’s running a vast worldwide conspiracy to take over the country and eliminate anybody who disagrees with him from holding office or (gasp) voting.
Not to mention how old he is, and that his mind is slipping, so I can’t figure out how he’s managed to avoid all the things that were absolutely going to come true if he was elected: the stock market would crash, police departments would cease to exist, and the suburbs wouldn’t even be the suburbs anymore. He even said “ If you vote for Biden, it means no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas and no Fourth of July together,” and yet, here we are. Unless I missed the memo, the stock market is at its all time high, there are still weddings, and I saw a cop car just yesterday. It was on the street, with an actual police officer inside.
How does he do it? Senile? Sure. But diabolically clever at the same time. What a combo. They should make a reality show about it. We could have Heroic Donald on one side, and the slobbering fool on the other. Loser has to leave the country forever.