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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Truth Social Users Get Scammed Hard!
Date: 10/05/2024 2:06 PM
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I've noticed the Reps tend to be more gullible. I'm not trying to be pejorative. Maybe it's something in their innate philosophy that makes them susceptible? For example, gold. Whenever I have to endure a TV tuned to FOX, inevitably a commercial for buying gold comes on (often with William Devane as the spokesperson). Why? Sure, gold (and other precious metals and commodities) is a valid investment, if you know what you're doing. Most people don't. And I can't believe there are that many "preppers" predicting the end of the world.** An index fund is a far better investment.

Other examples more recently are the convict-version of the bible, and apparently now shoes. Unlikely they would ever be collectibles. $60 for a bible that you could get for maybe $10? (A lot of churches give them out free, last I knew.) [type type type] OK, on Amazon you can get a "giant" one with faux leather cover for $15.

**If it is the end of the world, gold will be valueless. Just as US currency would be valueless. Portable water filters will be priceless. And a good knife. You can't eat or drink gold. Firearms would be useful for a little while, but with no one making ammunition, eventually they would be useless. Food, water, and shelter would be the priorities.
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