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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: RSP vs. SPY
Date: 12/18/2023 8:58 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 1
Back in July this year, I compared the returns of QQQ vs the equal weight QQQE since April 2012, when QQQE first became available as an ETF. Here's that comparison: https://www.shrewdm.com/MB?pid=784408820 My result at the time was 17.4% CAGR for QQQ vs about 14% CAGR for QQQE.

I'm updating that comparison now to include YTD results. Once again, I used portfoliovisualizer.com. Not much has changed.

Starting with $100K in April 2012, the QQQ investor would have $608K today, whereas the QQQE investor would only have $436K.

Here are the figures in detail.

April 2012 to present
Portfolio Starting Balance Ending balance CAGR Sharpe ratio. Max drawdown
QQQ $100,000 $640,048 17.6% 0.94 -32.6%
QQQE $100,000 $447,767 13.7% 0.79 -29.0%

As you can see, QQQ investors got over a 17% annualized return vs less than 14% for equal weight QQQE investors. The Sharpe (reward to risk) ratio was better, too.

Six months ago, I gave my reasons for why I personally prefer a cap-weighted index to an equal-weight index. You can read my reasons at


However, that's just my preference.

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