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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Dagdom   😊 😞
Number: of 12521 
Subject: Re: About that Berkshire
Date: 05/25/2024 2:47 AM
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Excellent post Manlobbi. I agree with both you and the original poster on the points made on valuation. The point of my post was simply to point out (probably obvious to everyone but me which perhaps made my post obsolete!) that they are two different things.

I like to remind myself of simple things because that is normally where I go wrong in my thinking.

The max number of people living on ground floor in Sweden is bound by the area of Sweden but that doesn’t mean that number of people living on ground floor in Sweden can’t grow faster than the area of Sweden over the long term and it has.

The max number of drinks I can have in a week is bound by the amount of time in a week but that doesn’t mean that the number of drinks I have per week can’t grown faster than the amount of time in a week over the long term and it has.

The max amount of carbon in the atmosphere is bound by the size of the atmosphere but that doesn’t mean that carbon in athmosphere can’t grow faster than size atmosphere over the long run and it has.

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