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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Date: 10/05/2024 4:26 PM
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We have nearly 8B people on this planet. That's a lot. We burn fossil fuels the emit greenhouse gases by the gigaton. The planet is huge, but it's not THAT huge. We are affecting it. Now I do agree that we won't "destroy the earth". At worst, we won't survive, but the Earth will recover eventually and go on. Human history is but a blink in the 4.2B year history of the Earth. Earth will be fine. We just may not be here to see it.

Not that any of this has to do with religion, fighting terrorists, etc....

But here's the deal... over that 4.2 billion years a lot of stuff got sequestered, buried, converted into forms that allowed the life forms we know to evolve.

In a matter of a couple hundred years we're managing to extract all that material burn it, dump it, spew it, to precipitate mass extinction of alll those species that evolves over time.

Previous years I've written about the impact of overpopulation, only to get shot down by those who believe education/technology/whatever will come to the rescue... but seem like technology is just creating more ways to burn more energy than ever before, pollute more than ever before...

The rock will survive. What's left to crawl on it is anybodies guess.

Party on, Garth.

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