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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Who Will They Blame? Trans pilot? Immigrant
Date: 01/31/2025 10:30 AM
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"Rational thought from Trump? "

Trump/Elon forced out head of FAA, before this crash happened, right ?
If this had happened under Biden, the right-wing propaganda media would have been
calling for his head on a platter.

How come the left-wing propaganda media can't mount an effective attack on Trump/Elon over this
blunder ?

Dems are still playing nicie/nice. Reminds me of the pictures from Jimmy Carter lying in state
at the Capitol. Obama and others that had said Trump is a budding American Hitler, smiling
and talking to Trump. BS like that pisses me off. Trump should be shunned like a pariah.
The media should ask blunt questions of him, and they should shout over the top of him when
he goes into his deflect,deflect,deflect spiels. But nope, Dems gonna play by the "rules"
of civil society. Gonna get their butts kicked again if they don't roll up their sleeves and get
down and dirty with Trump and MAGA.
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